September 11 mot just a reminder. Also a lection

September 11 mot just a reminder. Also a lection
What else we could write about that fatal day, if one image worth more than a thousand words. Millions of human beings of the entire planet, witness I life, in direct the madness, bleeding and coward illegal act that take 3,000 lives of innocent people, and rake out the peacefulness of million more.
We have to be conceit that the terrorist act do not have time or space and most part of its strategy is based on saw chaos and make confusion between citizens with threatens.
Stays clear that predict a terrorist act other of new technology its like predict a seism, we could know where is going to happen but we don’t know what day or at what time. We should accept that the point of damage of the world security forehead to terrorist’s acts was that fatidic day, September 11 2001, where 19 fanatic terrorists kidnapped 4 aeroplanes causing the second biggest disaster in North American territory.
Without any doubt, sharing errors exist in Public Security Institutions, and this takes us to a reflection, other than the effort of the Intelligence Services, Secret Services, The Public security in general, this could always be insufficient.
I suggest to planify to orientate the population with one objective, to offer valorous information in real time above of Suspicious situations related with National Security, we could not forget that citizens are eyes and ears of their areas in all the national territory, with any doubt a big allied in our frontiers, the propose … in that the Governors and Mayors could be the one who support this initiative with a slogan like this “ Your eyes and ears are the Security of everyone” with any doubts , the early information is the factor that could neutralises a possible illegal act, in a terrorism act we should never have to put down our guard and being this a common enemy we should be together.

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