Página del Consejo de Asesoría de Seguridad en el Extranjero de EE.UU.

The Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC) is a Federal Advisory Committee with a U.S. Government Charter to promote security cooperation between American business and private sector interests worldwide and the U.S. Department of State as well as other US Government Agencies. OSAC currently encompasses the 34-member core Council, an Executive Office, over 100 Country Councils, and more than 2,700 constituent member organizations, 600 associates and 5 US Government Agencies (US Agency for International Development, US Chamber of Commerce, US Department of Commerce, US Department of Treasury).
The objectives of the Council as outlined in the Charter are:
To establish continuing liaison and to provide for operational security cooperation between the security funtions of the US Deparment of State and other US Government Agencies and Private Sector organizations.
To provide for regular and timely interchange of information between the Private Sector, the US Deparment of State and other Government Agencies concerning developments in the overseas security environment.
To recommend methods and provide material for coordinating security planning and implementation of security programs.
To recommend methods to protect the competitiveness of American businesses operating worldwide.
The Council is established under authority of the Secretary of State pursuant to 22 U.S.C. 2656 and in accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act as amended. The activities of the Council are determined to be in the public interest and are directly related to overseas security functions of the Department of State.

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